
Object oriented Software Engineering Design Patterns

C++ for Beginners

Courses Taught

  1. Spring 2017 – Programming Language 1 CS 105
  2. Spring 2017 – Software Engineering – SE 305
  3. FALL 2017 – Object Oriented – CS240Lab Pages
    1. Object Oriented Programming LAB (Access Restricted)

Best Projects 

  1. Object Oriented Course Fall 2016 , Strategy Game “Guardians The First Journey”, Multiplayer network game, thanks to MIU-Students Abdelrahman Samir, Mohamed alaa, Mohamed ayman, Omar Maysor, Noureldin Tarek
    1. Game Code :
    2. Game Video Play:
  2. Object Oriented Course, Fall 2015, MIU Students , Strategy Game “MoonCraft”, Youssef Samy, Mareine Nassifm Nardeen Nabil, Mina Samir
    1. Code: