About Me


  • 2nd Best paper award IEEE 5th Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES 2023), Karate Kata Style Classification Using Pose Landmarks and Deep Learning
  • 1st Best paper award IEEE IMSA 2023, Abnormal Behavior Analysis for Surveillance in Poultry Farms using Deep Learning 
  • UGRF 16th Edition at Nile University the 4th Junior research competition, 1st place track 2: information technology and computer science, Abnormal behaviors analysis for surveillance in poultry farms. 
  • UGRF 14th Edition at Nile University, CGM UGRF0th (Information Technology and computer science Track), BCGM: Blood Glucose monitoring system using Multitask deep learning Second position, Cairo, Egypt, Nile University research center.2020
  • UGRF 10th Edition at Nile University, IKarate: Enhancing Karate Players style and guidance system, UGRF0th (ICSIT Track) First position, Cairo, Egypt, Nile University research center.
  • Ibteicar Graduation Project competition, Trackify A system for storing money transactions, TIEC competition (block chain) First position, Cairo, Egypt, http://www.tiec.gov.eg/ 2019
  • Ibteicar Graduation Project competition, The Wanderer: A Marker less Augmented Reality Game with Object Positioning Awareness, TIEC competition third position, Cairo, Egypt, http://www.tiec.gov.eg/

22 May 2015Graduation Projects for Academic year 2015-2016 (important)
23 Feb 2015 Alive 2nd place for Ibteicar 2014