About Me


Ayman Ezzat Atia is Associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, MSA and Helwan University, received his Ph.D. from the University of Tsukuba, Japan in 2011. He is Co-Founder of HCI-LAB, and head of the interaction group. His work includes finding new interaction techniques for large display and finding abnormal behavior for driving vehicles, theft detection, sports activities. His research interests cover the wide spectrum of Human-Computer Interaction including Gestures and natural interfaces, Wearable Sensors, Augmented Reality and Brain-Computer Interaction. Despite the education and research challenges that face countries like Egypt, he was a recipient of governmental-fund and awards on several occasions.


  • 2nd Best paper award IEEE 5th Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES 2023), Karate Kata Style Classification Using Pose Landmarks and Deep Learning
  • 1st Best paper award IEEE IMSA 2023, Abnormal Behavior Analysis for Surveillance in Poultry Farms using Deep Learning 
  • UGRF 16th Edition at Nile University the 4th Junior research competition, 1st place track 2: information technology and computer science, Abnormal behaviors analysis for surveillance in poultry farms. 
  • UGRF 14th Edition at Nile University, CGM UGRF0th (Information Technology and computer science Track), BCGM: Blood Glucose monitoring system using Multitask deep learning Second position, Cairo, Egypt, Nile University research center.2020
  • UGRF 10th Edition at Nile University, IKarate: Enhancing Karate Players style and guidance system, UGRF0th (ICSIT Track) First position, Cairo, Egypt, Nile University research center.
  • Ibteicar Graduation Project competition, Trackify A system for storing money transactions, TIEC competition (block chain) First position, Cairo, Egypt, http://www.tiec.gov.eg/ 2019
  • Ibteicar Graduation Project competition, The Wanderer: A Marker less Augmented Reality Game with Object Positioning Awareness, TIEC competition third position, Cairo, Egypt, http://www.tiec.gov.eg/

22 May 2015Graduation Projects for Academic year 2015-2016 (important)
23 Feb 2015 Alive 2nd place for Ibteicar 2014